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Results for "author_first: the S, author_last: Team"
Birthday of George Orwell (PDP) Remembering the English novelist, journalist, and critic famous for his allegorical Animal Farm and dystopian 1984.
Juneteenth Celebrating the promise of freedom and equality.
Anniversary of Sally Ride's Becoming the First American Woman in Space (PDP) Celebrating the accomplishments of the acclaimed astronaut, astrophysicist, and advocate of science education.
Birthday of Frank Lloyd Wright (PDP) Remembering the celebrated American architect whose designs harmonize with nature.
Pride Month Resources for celebrating LGBTQ+ rights.
Birthday of John James Audubon Honoring the ornithologist, naturalist, and painter who painted, catalogued, and described the birds of North America.
Birthday of Maya Angelou (PDP) Remembering the writer and civil-rights activist awarded the 2011 U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom.
National Library Week Celebrating the contributions of our nation's libraries and library workers.
Birthday of Vincent Van Gogh Remembering the Dutch artist whose visionary abilities perceived the sacred in the ordinary.
Birthday of Gloria Steinem (PDP) Honoring the writer, journalist, activist, and founder of Ms. magazine.